Church representative: Lis Woolley
Care is a self-funding charity run entirely by volunteers with the aim of providing practical help to people living in East Grinstead, Lingfield, Dormansland, Ashurst Wood, Felbridge, Crowhurst, Blindley Heath, Newchapel or South Godstone. It was established in 1988 by members of local churches, including St John’s, as a means of Christian outreach. It seeks to help people within the community in practical ways, such as providing help with shopping, transport to medical appointments or to visit a friend or relation in a hospital or a nursing home in the area.
The Duty Officer is available on 01342 410086 between 9 am and 2 pm any weekday.
For more information, or to volunteer, visit the website and/or talk to the Church Representative.
Who are we?
CARE is a local self-funding charity that St John’s helped to found in 1988, as a means of Christian outreach by local churches. It seeks to help people within the community in a practical way who have particular needs. It now has about 100 volunteers providing help to members of the community. CARE has no fixed premises and no paid employees. Its costs are covered by donations, including donations from the people served by CARE, sometimes referred to as clients.
What do we do?
People in the East Grinstead, Lingfield and Dormansland area can telephone the CARE number (410086) and ask for various types of help. This can, for example, be a driver to take them to a doctor’s surgery or help with shopping or gardening work. The requests are reviewed and help is offered where appropriate and possible by volunteers.
What do we need?
We would like more members of local churches to offer their services as drivers and gardeners, duty officers and shoppers. Duty officers are based in their own homes. The period of duty is 9 am – 5 pm. Duty officers receive phone requests for help from clients and arrange for help to be provided by other volunteers. Full training is provided.
What do we offer our volunteers?
An opportunity to provide practical help to others in the community. Volunteers’ expenses (e.g. mileage) are reimbursed. Volunteers can specify when they are available and for which duties. CRB checks are provided free of charge.
Yes, I would like to help, what do I do now?
Contact the St John’s CARE representative, Lis Woolley
Care in East Grinstead and Lingfield
Telephone: 01342 410 086 between 9am and 2pm Monday to Friday
Criteria for eligibility: Those unable to obtain help elsewhere
Areas covered: East Grinstead and Lingfield
Vehicles: Private vehicles owned by volunteer drivers
Booking procedure: By telephone 3 days in advance
Charges/donations: No charges but donations accepted
Any other details: Other than in exceptional circumstances not more than one journey a week to hospitals, doctors surgeries, other medical appointments, shopping for the elderly and infirm and other occasions where help is needed. "Care" is organised and run by the churches in the area covered