“We hope that you will find this page of the website helpful to explore more for yourself about Jesus, the claims He made, and what Christianity is really all about. There are real stories from church members about the difference their faith makes in their lives, helpful resources, and a place to ask any question you might have.”
Real stories
I have believed in God for most of my life. I attended church irregularly over the years mostly because of a sense of duty rather than anything else. If I am honest I never really thought about the impact of God and Jesus in my own life – it has been more of a ritual.
Then as the years went by I began to realise that when I prayed to God, he has helped me find solutions to troubles and problems in indirect ways, which at first I didn’t really put down to my belief in God.
It was only when I started coming to St. John’s where I have met such inspiring people, that I wanted to find the path to God through exploring the Bible and understanding what our world is all about. After reading the Bible more regularly and having people to explain and openly discuss what it all means, I have realised that this is the path I want to follow.
I am enjoying the fellowship of the church and believe that real satisfaction in life is found by following Jesus.
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