Prayer is a vital part of our life as a church. We believe that God delights to hear and answer prayer, which is a crucial part of everything we do.
Prayer meetings
Described as the “engine room” of the church, our monthly prayer meetings are where we gather as God’s people to pray for our world, community, and church. These occur directly after the Sunday morning service at 11:30 am in the church hall on the second Sunday of each month. They are open to anyone, and we encourage everyone to come along. Please connect via Zoom for those who can’t be there in person. We pray for different areas and topics each month, and there are always activities for children so that families can get involved, too.
Prayer Chain
To keep us praying for one another as a church family, we send an email out weekly with requests for personal prayer from congregation members. If you would like to request to be on the prayer chain for any given week or to receive the weekly email if you don’t already, please get in touch with the office who will be in touch (you will also need to have completed a church GDPR form). Due to the personal nature of the requests, the prayer chain is not made publicly available, and we would not grant permission to receive it from someone not known to us.
Other opportunities to pray
Prayer themes
Subscribe to daily prayer suggestions from St John’s in the Prayermate app
Scan the QR Code, and PrayerMate should allow you to subscribe to our Prayer feed.
Or you can subscribe to RSS feeds from many popular feed reader applications using the feed URL below.
Download the PRAYERMATE app to receive weekly prayer themes or access them here. |
Prayer Calendar
Receive daily prayer prompts in your calendar: please get in touch with the office for more details. Prayer during our services: All our services include a time of corporate prayer that a church member leads.
Prayer after the service
Opportunity to be prayed for by a member of the prayer team.
Would you like us to pray for you?
Please feel free to submit a request to be shared in confidence with members of our leadership team, who will be praying for you.
Submit a Prayer Request. Please get in touch with the office for more details.