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Prayer Calendar

Sunday, 28 Jul 24

The Lord is my light and my salvation— whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life— of whom shall I be afraid?\nPsalm 27:1

Monday, 29 Jul 24

Dear Lord: We thank you for the young people of St John’s and for all the Christian camps happening this summer, where children can come together to praise you with others of their own age. We ask you to give strength and wisdom to leaders and for peace and unity in relationships. May these camps be a time of real growth in you, a time of forging lasting friendships and a time where happy memories are made. Amen

Tuesday, 30 Jul 24

Dear Lord: we thank you for the mature members of our congregation and for this time of fellowship over a fish and chip lunch today. May friendships be forged and faith be strengthened. Amen

Wednesday, 31 Jul 24

Dear Lord: We thank you for the appointment of our new vicar. We ask that you would bless Nick and his family, surrounding them with your peace and love. In this time of change for them Lord, we pray that they would be welcomed into our church with love, that in their mourning the loss of friends, you would comfort them. May they find joy, love and laughter in Felbridge.

Thursday, 01 Aug 24

Dear Lord: we thank you for Wycliffe Bible translators and the work of the Asikus in Uganda; supporting the translation of the Bible and developing literacy programmes. We thank you for the Fundo Foundation and ask you to enable those who want to learn to have the opportunity to attend a secondary school.

Friday, 02 Aug 24

Dear Lord: We thank you for your enduring love for us. We thank you that you so loved the world that you gave your son as a living sacrifice for us. Help us to see others through Your eyes, recognizing their inherent worth and dignity. As people come together to meet in the Glebe café today, may we be a testament to your boundless love through our words and actions.

Saturday, 03 Aug 24

Dear Lord: we thank you for the Lydia fellowship and ask you to bless their ministry as we meet together today with women from other churches in our area to praise you and learn from your word as warrior brides united in love for you.