Wycliffe Bible Translators
Church Representative: Rowan Saunders
Wycliffe Bible Translators want everyone to hear God speak to them as they engage with the Bible in their language. Unfortunately, 1.5 billion people are still waiting for the Bible in the language that speaks to them best. It's not right that some of us have free access to the Bible while others don't. Together, we can change this.
Gift and Kathryn Asiku in Uganda
St. John's supports the work of Gift and Kathryn Asiku in Uganda, where the Bible is being translated into some of the over 42 languages spoken there - languages like Lunyole, Lugwere and Aringa-ti. Gift and Kathryn live in Entebbe with their sons, James and Simon Peter.
In February 2023, 10 members of St. John's church visited Uganda. They visited some of the translation teams and learnt about the careful way that the translations are checked using several versions of the Bible and in consultation with local groups. They saw for themselves how much it means to people to be able to read the Bible in their Heart Language and the difference it makes in everyday life as well as to the teaching in the churches. Their visit was a blessing and encouragement to Gift and Kathryn, James and Simon Peter and the translation teams, and they had the privilege of participating in a dedication of the book of Esther in the Kelikoo language of the South Sundanese people living as refugees in Uganda. Mark could officiate at a baptism service in Entebbe when he baptised several people, including James and Simon Peter, in the pool opposite the church. The team also visited Fundo, the village where Gift grew up. Before the trip, fundraising enabled St. John's to pay for installing solar panels at the school. They played with the children and realised how much the school needed a clean water supply. Thankfully, tanks have now been installed. The group distributed pencil cases, wash bags and reusable sanitary pads to the older pupils and was able to help and encourage the teachers and pupils at the school.
To learn more about Gift and Kathryn's work, visit https://www.wycliffe.org.uk/what-we-do/featured-people/' i-realised-god-can-speak-to-me-in-my-own-language!
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