The Lord is my light and my salvation— whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life— of whom shall I be afraid?
Psalm 27:1

10am Morning Service 
Live-streamed on our website and YouTube channel.
Title: Everlasting Ruins? (Psalm 74)
Speaker: Nick Smith
There will be no children's groups during the service, but there will be some children's resources available at the back of church.

6pm Evening Service
Title: Everlasting Ruins? (Psalm 74)
Speaker: Nick Smith
There will be no youth group happening during this service, but the youth will be very welcome to join a table and take part in the service.

12:30pm Community Lunch
Fish & Chips with ice cream in the Church hall. The order for fish and chips has now been placed, so we are fully booked. 
The funeral of Rona Bingham will take place at St John's Church on 6th August at 11:30am. Refreshments will be served afterwards in the Church Hall. All Welcome.
New Vicar: The Service of Institution and Induction of Nick Wooldridge as Vicar of Felbridge is to take place on Monday 9th September 2024 at 7.30pm. Please come if you can.
 New Wycliffe Prayer diaries are available at the back of Church.
The current WMGD total is £19115. Thank you to everyone who has made a donation so far.
There is still time to make a donation to World Mission Gift Day.
There are several methods available:
- By cash or cheque: please put your donation in the collection bowl in a sealed envelope clearly marked with the reference "WMGD", or use the printed WMGD envelopes provided. Please make cheques payable to St John's Felbridge PCC.
- By card: please use the WMGD option on the card reader in church.
- By bank transfer: please make a payment to the St John's church bank account using the reference "WMGD". The account details are: bank name - CAF Bank, account name - St John's Felbridge PCC, account number - 00030213, sort Code - 40-52-40.
Carpet cleaning: The annual deep clean of the church carpet is due to take place on Wednesday 31st July 2024. The church building will be ready for use again by Sunday 4th August 2024.  
Are you wondering how you can serve your Church? Are you thinking that you don't have any talents like being able to bake, sing or preach? Don't worry! The audio visual team may be just the place for you! And you will be helping to spread the word of God by making the preaching accessible to our congregation! We are especially seeking people willing to help in the Evening Services at 6pm. Why not get in touch with This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to find out more?
Come Together with women from local churches in East Grinstead and Burgess Hill for a time of worship, prayer and fellowship and learn more about the Lydia Prayer Fellowship. Let us rejoice together and give Him glory! Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for further information. Prayer, praise and Worship & Bible meditation from 10-1.15pm. 1.15pm-2pm Lunch & fellowship. Please bring your own packed lunch.
Christians Against Poverty: Click here to find some tips to help you get through the summer holidays.
East Grinstead has an inaugural Summer Jazz Festival, a great opportunity to meet others in our community, listen and play music. Being Neighbourly, a local charity aiming to alleviate isolation and loneliness, is supporting the event. We’d love it if some of you at St John’s could help by not only purchasing your own tickets but also an extra ticket for those who otherwise wouldn’t be able to get out or who would feel attending alone too difficult. You could do this for one of two events: A history of Jazz at St Swithuns on Friday 16 August or for the Jazz Lunch at Chequer Mead on Sunday 18 August. Simply call Chequer Mead (01342 302000), pay by card over the phone, including for the extra ticket, and they will sort the rest. It’s an idea, a little like the coffee stalls that offer the ability to buy a coffee for the next person in need.
Care in East Grinstead and Lingfield, the local charity which provides transport to medical appointments at Surgeries and Hospitals, is having trouble meeting all the requests for assistance owing to a shortage of Duty Officers. There is also a shortage of Drivers and some jobs are being turned down.
Duty Officers undertake to spend one day a month on the end of the phone from 9am-2pm taking requests for transport. They are then required to ring round the Drivers to find one to fit the job. There is a very easy computerised system which provides all the information needed for the task in hand.
 If you could possibly commit to one day a month (doesn’t always have to be the same day) then please ring the Care number which is 01342 410086 and leave a message for Sue Bland who will return your call. Thank you very much.”
The Glebe Cafe will be continuing to run during August. Opening times 10am -12pm. A warm welcome to all. 
Please note that the deadline for submissions to the newsletter is 11am on Thursdays. 

10am Morning Service 
Live-streamed on our website and YouTube channel.
Title: The Downcast Soul (Psalms 42 & 43)
Speaker: Andy Brown

6pm Evening Service with Holy Communion
Title: Psalm 136
Speaker: Paul Perkin

2-3pm Church Open for Quiet Prayer
Donate your used ink cartridges by putting them in the box in the church office.  ARocha will receive between 10p-£1.00 for every cartridge donated (depends on the cartridge type). Find out more information here. So far your used ink cartridges have raised £34.55 for ARocha.
Dear Lord: everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth, who does not grow tired or weary, we ask you to help us reflect your beauty this weekend in the things that we do and in our interactions with others.